Frequently Asked Questions

Where is True-Blue Storage located?
True-Blue Storage is located at 3122 Hillcrest Road, Vincennes, IN 47591.
Is the facility unmanned?
The facility is unmanned. If you need to reach a manager, call 800-882-1978 or fill out a contact form. Let us know if you need to meet at the facility.
What are the access hours?
Access hours are 24/7.
How do I rent a unit?
Rent a unit online or at the facility using our on-site kiosk 24/7. You can also give us a call to speak with a storage expert.
What is drive-up access?
Drive-up access allows tenants to drive directly up to their unit. This ensures an easier loading and unloading experience.
Is True-Blue Storage secure?
Our facility is fully secure at all times with a fence and automated gate, video surveillance, quality lighting, and pest control.
How do I pay my storage bill?
Pay your storage bill online or using the onsite kiosk. We accept all credit and debit cards.
Do you offer temperature controlled units?
Yes, we do. Temperature controlled units are fit for those who plan to store environmentally sensitive items long-term. Items such as electronics, documents, photos, wooden or leather furniture, and much more. Call if you have questions about our temperature controlled units.
Do you offer monthly leases?
Yes, our leases are available month-to-month.